How to create an accordion on WordPress

How to create an accordion on WordPress

If you have ever done any searching in Google, usually among the results you will see “People also ask” and then you see several questions, when people click on the question, the box expands with an answer. That expandable box is an accordion; some people also call it a “faq box” faq stands for Frequently Ask Questions.

Google's faq box also called "People also ask"
Google’s faq box (accordion) on the first page of practically any search

Accordions or faq boxes can be very useful in website design because is avoids having a wall of text and instead the visitor can simply read the information they seek without have to scroll through a whole page.

In this blog, I used an accordion plugin called Easy Accordion Gutenberg Block which I found easy to use and to style to the designer’s needs.

Here is my video of how I used it.

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