WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org

WordPress.com or WordPres.org, which one should you use?

If you do a quick search on Google about WordPress, very soon you will be confronted with your first dilemma. You will find two results:

Unfortunately, those two are two different things.

WordPress.com is mostly a hosting service combined with a website maker software, no different from other website builders such as Wix, Webflow, Shopify, and many others. WorPress.com provides hosting, domain names, and other goodies.

WordPress.org is a free software that you can download on your computer or hosting company to build your website. See my post on why I use WordPress. You can choose the hosting company you would want to do business with, as well and you can download any third party services (plugins) paid or free, to modify the look and feel of your website.

WordPress.com offers a FREE hosting service, but it’s so limited in it’s capabilities, and people are bombarded so much with upsells, that it’s not worth the pain of having it.

As for it’s paid services, the prices are just not as competitive as those provided by other hosting companies.

In short, I recommend that you don’t get WordPress.com

As for WordPress.org, once you get your free software download, you can customize it in any way you want.

The only drawback, is that you have to pay for the hosting with a host provider and that you have to do your homework because not all hosting companies offer the same level of service.

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